Intel VMD Driver

How to Install an Intel VMD Driver For PCIe SSDs?

The Intel VMD driver is a storage controller that resides inside the Skylake CPU and helps the CPU manage NVMe SSDs. The VMD controller is like an integrated endpoint in the Skylake root complex, and OS/BIOS enumeration stops at the controller. To install an Intel VMD driver, follow these steps. Read on to learn more. This article will also explain what the Intel Volume Management Device is.

Download Intel VMD Driver (Here)


An NVMe SSD can be configured to work with the Intel VMD Driver by using the BIOS policy. Using the service profile, go to the Policies tab and select Create BIOS policy. On the form that appears, enter a name and optional description. Click OK to create the policy. To enable the VMD Passthrough mode, set Advanced Intel Directed IO and Intel VT Directed IO to Enable.


An Intel VMD driver for PCIe SSDs is a program that adds functionality and high availability to PCs. To install VMD, you must enable it on the PC. Generally, you need to enable this option in the BIOS or UEFI boot options. If you want to enable VMD, you should choose the appropriate VMD ports and select the RAID level. After selecting a RAID level, you can then select the disks for the VMD. Once you’ve made the selection, save it and confirm it. After completing this process, you can reboot your computer.

Intel Volume Management Device:

The Intel Volume Management Device driver supports virtual RAID on-chip (VROC). This feature isolates a PCI tree and NVMe devices from each other. It also supports 3 memory windows and MSI-X interrupt vectors. The driver is used by both NVMe devices and PCIe solid-state drives. To use it, you must install the latest version of the Intel VMD software. Here are some details of this driver.

Intel RST:

The Intel RST VMD Driver allows you to remap your storage devices. This driver is not included with the operating system and must be installed manually. It helps your computer detect and manage the storage devices. Before, you had to use the BIOS to remap the drives, but now you can do it directly from the application. Here’s how. To install the Intel RST Driver, follow these simple steps.

Configuring LED blinking patterns on PCIe SSDs:

If you are using an Intel PCIe SSD, you may encounter some problems that make the LEDs on your device blink in unison. For this reason, you may find it necessary to update your VMD driver and install a new version. However, you should note that Intel PCIe SSDs are only compatible with USB 3.0 and SATA/SAS controllers. You can download the latest version of the Intel VMD driver from the Intel website.

Creating a RAID environment:

You can now create a RAID environment using the VMD driver. To install it, you will need to install Lenovo Service Bridge and download the Intel VMD driver. Once you have done this, you can enable Intel VMD and create a VROC RAID volume. Creating a RAID environment is simple, but you should be aware of several prerequisites. In this article, we’ll examine these requirements and then help you install the VMD driver.

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